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File Processing

DeepTone™'s File Processing functionality allows you to extract insights from your audio files.

Processing Methods

There are two ways to provide your audio files to the DeepTone™ Cloud API.

URL Method (Production Method)

With the URL method, the URL of the audio file you would like to process is sent in the JSON body of the post request. The DeepTone™ Cloud API will then download the file and process it. This is the recommended approach for a production stage. The reasons for this are:

  • The file size limits are larger
  • The files are never stored on OTO's infrastructure
  • It allows the DeepTone™ Cloud API to scale optimally which results in a higher throughput

Direct File Upload Method (Testing only)

For testing purposes, the the content of local audio files can directly be uploaded with the post request.

For a code sample that shows both method go to Example Usage

Working with stereo files

DeepTone™ processes each audio channel separately. If you provide a stereo file, you can provide a specific channel to be processed, otherwise, all channels will be processed separately.

Sample data

You can download this sample audio file with a woman speaking for the examples below. For code sample go to Example Usage.

File download request validation

When executing file processing, if a file URL is provided, the requests to download the file will be signed using ES512, and can be verified using this Public Key:

Public Key ID:


Public Key:


The requests contain an HTTP header X-DeepTone-Request-Verification which represents a JWT with the following information:


  • alg: Algorithm used for signing (should match ES512)
  • kid: They ID of the Key Pair used to sign this request. This ID can be used to find which Public Key from the provided set matches the one used to sign this request.


  • organization_id: The ID of your Organization. Should match your Organizations' attributed ID
  • project_id: The ID of the Project that initiated the call. Should match your Project's attributed ID
  • job_id: The Job ID related to this request. Should match the Job ID returned when the file processing request was made
  • url: The URL for the file to be downloaded. Should match the url of the file that was requested to be processed
  • iat: Timestamp representing when this request was made
  • jti: Unique download request identifier
  • exp: Timestamp representing when this JWT expires

Supported formats

Currently, processing WAV, FLAC and MP3 files is supported. Ideally, the files should be WAV 16-bit PCM with the sample rate of 16 kHz. If a different format is provided, the file will be converted accordingly. Please be aware that using files with lossy formats (e.g. MP3) or with sample rates lower than recommended may lead to deterioration of the results.

If you're not sure your audio files meet these criteria you can use the CLI tool SoX for that verification by doing the following:


The result will be something similar to:

Channels : 1
Sample Rate : 16000
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:00:03.99 = 63840 samples ~ 299.25 CDDA sectors
File Size : 128k
Bit Rate : 256k
Sample Encoding: 16-bit Signed Integer PCM

SoX also allows you to convert your files in case they don't match our criteria by using the following command:



File size

Currently, using the Cloud API for file processing is limited by the size of the file as follows:

  • 15MB max file size for direct file upload
  • 1 hour combined across all channels when providing a URL for the file (i.e. mono -> 1h, stereo -> 30 minutes, etc.)

Usage examples that fit these use cases can be found below. If you would like to process files larger than what's mentioned above with the Cloud API we provide methods to do so in our Troubleshooting page.

These constraints also apply to the on-premise deployments of the DeepTone™ API, however, the limits are configurable.

Result size

The size of the JSON result is currently limited to 30MB for both direct file upload and the URL Method. To reduce the result size you can:

  • Increase the output_period query parameter
  • Create separate processing jobs for each model

If these measures are not an option for you, let us know at

Configuration options and outputs

There are different configuration parameters and types of outputs which can be requested.

For code sample go to Example Usage. For detailed output specification go to Output Specification.

Available configuration parameters

There are several possible parameters which can be passed to a post request to the /jobs endpoint:

  • models - the list of model names to use for the audio analysis
  • output_period - how often (in milliseconds, multiple of 64) the output of the models should be returned
  • channel - optionally a channel to analyse, otherwise all channels will be analysed
  • include_summary - optionally if the output should contain of summary of the analysis, defaults to False
  • include_transitions - optionally if the output should contain transitions of the analysis, defaults to False
  • include_raw_values - optionally if the result should contain raw model outputs, defaults to False
  • volume_threshold - optionally if a volume level different than default should be considered (higher values will result in more of the data being treated as silence)
  • callback - optionally a callback URL that will be invoked once the results are ready. More info about this option here.

Available Outputs

There are three possible output types, depending on the parameters that are set to true on the request:

  • a plain time series - default output type, returned always
  • a plain time series with raw model outputs - raw values are appended when include_raw_values=true
  • a summary - appended to the results when include_summary=true
  • a simplified time series - appended to the results when include_transitions=true

For code sample go to Example Usage. For detailed output specification go to Output Specification.

See below for examples of each of the three outputs:

  • plain time series (according to the specified output_period):
"channels": {
"0": {
"time_series": [
"timestamp": 0,
"results": {
"gender": {
"result": "male",
"confidence": 0.92
"timestamp": 1024,
"results": {
"gender": {
"result": "male",
"confidence": 0.86
"timestamp": 2048,
"results": {
"gender": {
"result": "male",
"confidence": 0.85
"timestamp": 29696,
"gender": {
"result": "silence",
"confidence": 1.0
  • plain time series with additional raw outputs:
"channels": {
"0": {
"time_series": [
"timestamp": 0,
"results": {
"gender": {
"result": "male",
"confidence": 0.92
"raw": {
"gender": {
"male": 0.92,
"female": 0.08
"timestamp": 1024,
"results": {
"gender": {
"result": "male",
"confidence": 0.86
"raw": {
"gender": {
"male": 0.86,
"female": 0.14
"timestamp": 2048,
"gender": {
"result": "male",
"confidence": 0.85
"raw": {
"gender": {
"male": 0.85,
"female": 0.15
"timestamp": 29696,
"results": {
"gender": {
"result": "silence",
"confidence": 1.0
"raw": {
"gender": {
"male": 0.12,
"female": 0.88
  • summary (showing fraction of each class across the entire file):
"channels": {
"0": {
"time_series": [ ... ],
"summary": {
"gender": {
"male_fraction": 0.7451,
"female_fraction": 0.1024,
"other_fraction": 0.112,
"unknown_fraction": 0.0405,
"silence_fraction": 0.0,
  • simplified time series (indicating transition points between alternating results):
"channels": {
"0": {
"time_series": [ ... ],
"transitions": {
"gender": [
"timestamp_start": 0,
"timestamp_end": 1024,
"result": "female",
"confidence": 0.96
"timestamp_start": 1024,
"timestamp_end": 3072,
"result": "male",
"confidence": 0.87
"timestamp_start": 8192,
"timestamp_end": 12288,
"result": "female",
"confidence": 0.89


The callback parameter expects a valid URL that will be invoked when your job finishes processing. Once the results are ready the API will invoke this endpoint using POST and with a body that matches the one returned by the GET request to the /file-processing/jobs/{jobId} endpoint.

If the invocation to the callback is successful the API expects a 2XX status code. In case of an unsuccessful invocation (5XX status code) the API will retry invoking the endpoint up to 3 times. This retry mechanism means that there's the possibility that the callback endpoint might receive multiple notifications, which should be handled by the user. Any other status codes will not trigger the retry mechanism. The callback endpoint provided should respond within 10 seconds when being invoked, otherwise the request will timeout.

Example Usage

To process a file that is available on this url: use the following curl commands:

Create job:

curl --request POST \
--url ',arousal&output_period=4096&channel=0&include_summary=true&include_transitions=true&include_raw_values=true&volume_threshold=0.0' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \
--data '{"url":""}'

Get results:

curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'x-api-key: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'

To process a local file use the following curl commands:

Create job:

curl --request POST \
--url ',arousal&output_period=4096&channel=0&include_summary=true&include_transitions=true&include_raw_values=true&volume_threshold=0.0' \
--header 'content-type: audio/wav' \
--header 'x-api-key: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \
--data-binary @path/to/local/file.wav

Get results:

curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'x-api-key: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'