# Setup This page will guide you through the process of setting up the Deeptone SDK in your project. **Note**: Python version 3.8 is required. ## Using poetry (Recommended) Create a Poetry project if you don't have one already, by running: ```bash poetry new my-project ``` Then, jump into the project directory, and add the following to your `pyproject.toml`, to configure Poetry to fetch packages from OTO's PyPI repository: ```toml [[tool.poetry.source]] name = "deeptone" url = "https://sdk.oto.ai/pypi/" secondary = true ``` After the repository is configured, run the following to add the dependency to your project: ```bash poetry add deeptone ``` ## Using pipenv Create a Pipenv project if you don't have one already, by running: ```bash pipenv --python 3.8 pipenv lock ``` Then, and add the following to your `Pipfile`, to configure Pipenv to fetch packages from OTO's PyPI repository: ```toml [[source]] name = "deeptone" url = "https://sdk.oto.ai/pypi/" verify_ssl = true ``` After the repository is configured, run the following to add the dependency to your project: ```bash pipenv install deeptone ``` ## Using pip To install the Deeptone SDK via pip, run the following: ```bash pip install deeptone --extra-index-url https://sdk.oto.ai/pypi/ ``` This will fetch and install the Deeptone package from OTO's PyPI repository.