# Usage Before the Deeptone SDK can be used, it must first be initialized. Before you do so, ensure you have your License Key and Model file. If you don't, you can request them at [support@oto.ai](mailto:support@oto.ai). ## The `Deeptone` class The `Deeptone` class is the entry point for all interactions with the Deeptone SDK. Once you instantiate it, you should reuse the same instance, as its initialisation process can be computationally heavy. ```python from deeptone import Deeptone deeptone = Deeptone(license_key="YOUR_LICENSE_KEY", model_path="PATH_TO_YOUR_MODEL_FILE") print(deeptone.get_available_models()) ``` **Thread Safety Notice:** `Deeptone` instances are *not* thread-safe, and as such, if you intend to use it in a multi-threaded application, you should ensure that only a single thread is using an instance at a time (by either using an instance pool or guarding all method invocations with a lock). ## File Processing The File Processing functionality allows you to extract insights from your audio files. You can use it by invoking the [`process_file`](api_reference.html#deeptone.Deeptone.process_file) method: ```python deeptone.process_file(filename='my-file.wav', models=['speech', 'arousal'], output_period=1024, include_summary=True, include_transitions=True) ``` The following is a sample output returned by this method: ```python { "channels": { "0": { "time_series": [ { "timestamp" : 0, "gender": { "result": "female", "confidence": 0.6418, } }, { "timestamp" : 1024, "gender": { "result": "female", "confidence": 0.9002, } }, { "timestamp" : 2048, "gender": { "result": "female", "confidence": 0.4725, } }, { "timestamp" : 3072, "gender": { "result": "female", "confidence": 0.4679, } }, ], "summary": { "gender": { "male_fraction": 0, "female_fraction": 0.8548, "unknown_fraction": 0.1452 }, }, "transitions": { "gender": [ { "timestamp_start" : 0, "timestamp_end": 320, "result": "unknown", "confidence": 0.0151, }, { "timestamp_start" : 320, "timestamp_end": 2880, "result": "female", "confidence": 0.8075, }, { "timestamp_start" : 2880, "timestamp_end": 3136, "result": "unknown", "confidence": 0.0771, }, { "timestamp_start" : 3136, "timestamp_end": 3968, "result": "female", "confidence": 0.4931, }, ] } } } } ``` By default, only the `time_series` key is returned, if you're interested in the `summary` and `transitions` you need to set the `include_summary` and `include_transitions` flags to `True`, respectively. You can find information on the output of each model in the [Models](https://sdk.oto.ai/docs/models-overview) page. Refer to the [File Processing](https://sdk.oto.ai/docs/file-processing/) section of the Deeptone documentation for more details on this functionality. ## Real-Time Processing The File Processing functionality allows you to extract real-time insights from an audio stream. You can use it by invoking the [`process_stream`](api_reference.html#deeptone.Deeptone.process_stream) method: ```python deeptone.process_stream(input_generator=my_generator, models=['speech', 'arousal'], output_period=1024) ``` The method receives an `input_generator,` which should be a [Python Generator](https://wiki.python.org/moin/Generators) that periodically yields byte arrays containing raw audio data. It returns a Generator that yields results for every `output_period` milliseconds of audio data, with the following format: ```python { "timestamp": 0, "results": { "gender": { "value": "female", "confidence": 0.6255, }, "arousal": { "value": "high", "confidence": 0.9431, }, }, } ``` You can find information on the output of each model in the [Models](https://sdk.oto.ai/docs/models-overview) page. Refer to the [Real Time Processing](https://sdk.oto.ai/docs/real-time-processing/) section of the Deeptone documentation for more details on this functionality.