Recipe Index
The ever-growing cookbook of examples shows common use-cases of the DeepTone SDK, pre- and post-processing strategies, visualisation ideas, and more. The recipes here are a great way to get familiar with the capabilities of DeepTone™.
Available SDK Recipes
- 💡 Speech Detection
- basic analysis of audio files with built-in summarization options
- custom summarization options for audio file analysis
- custom speech threshold using the raw output of the model
- 💡 Gender Model
- streaming from a microphone and reporting gender in real-time
- streaming from a microphone and reporting long monologues in real-time
- 💡 Arousal Model
- basic analysis of audio files with built-in summarization options
- custom summarization options for audio file analysis
- 💡 Emotions Model
- detect when speaker is tired
- 💡 Language Model
- basic analysis of audio file with built-in summary
- 💡 Speaker Detection
- quick visualisation of speaker transitions
- per speaker analysis, utilising additional models
- classic speaker separation - split a mono file into a stream for each speaker
- handle imperfect results
- 💡 Underage Speaker Detection
- detect when speaker is a child
- 💡 Audio Event Detection
- detect when a speaker is laughing
- 💡 LUFS Model
- detect if an audio contains segments that are either too loud or too quiet